Kettlebell fitness training plans
Important! The exercises of these routines are for such persons, who are able to make exercises properly, know the principals and regulations. Without these the kettlebell use might cause injury!
Prior to start please consult with a certified instructor!
Beginners' plans, Advanced plans, Fatburning interval routines
Beginners' plans:
Beginners' plan 1.
warm-up and joint mobility drills
3 rounds of:
10 deadlift
10-10 halo
10-10 windscreen wiper
10 goodmorning
1-1 min farmer's walk each hand, carrying the bell as a "bucket", make sure your head is up and torso straight, push your chest out, pull your shoulders back to their sockets.
Beginners' plan 2.
warm-up and joint mobility drills
3 rounds of:
30mp plank
10 deadlift
5-5 halo
10-10 clean
3 squat
3-3 clean&press
10 swing
Advanced plans:
Advanced plan 1.
warm-up and joint mobility drills
10 deadlift
5-5 halo
20 swing
farmers' walk overhead style, make sure your wrists and elbows are locked, 1 minute per each arm
3 rounds of:
3-3 TGU, 10-10 one-handed swing, 5-5 halo
3 minutes of :
1-1 clean&press 5 swing
2-2 clean&press 10 swing
3-3 clean&press 15 swing increase the number of clean&press by 1 and swing by 5, it is the so-called Russian ladder, and so on until the 3 minutes period expires!
Important to finish symmetrically, so perform the same amount of exercises with both hands!
10 goodmorning
10-10 sit up
10-10 windscreen wiper
3 minutes of:
1-1 floorpress 5 swing... and so on, continue in ladder style like previously, finish symmetrically.
10 goodmorning
10-10 sit up
10-10 windscreen wipers
3 minutes of:
1-1 clean&press 5 swing...and so on, continue in ladder style like previously, finish symmetrically.
10 goodmorning
5-5 halo
farmers' walk overhead style, make sure your wrists and elbows are locked, 1 minute per each arm
Fatburning interval routines
Fatburning interval routine 1.
warm-up and joint mobility drills
10 deadlift
5-5 halo
20 swing
5 minutes of:
30 sec swing OR snatch (switch hand between rounds) 30 sec rest
5 minutes of:
20 sec clean&press switch hand then 20 sec then 20 sec rest
5 minutes of:
30 sec squat 30 sec rest
10 rounds of figure 8
10 goodmorning
5-5 halo
Fatburning interval routine 2.
warm-up and joint mobility drills
10 deadlift (two-handed)
10-10 deadlift (one-handed)
10 deadlift (two-handed)
5-5 halo
According to your fitness level 4, 5 or 6 rounds from the following block:
(Between rounds you can have short rest or you can do some figure 8 as extra torture!
If you have not perfected your snatch technique then leave it out and perform one-handed swings instead!)
20 sec clean left hand
20 sec clean right hand
20 sec rest
20 sec one-handed swing left hand
20 sec one-handed swing right hand
20 sec rest
20 sec snatch left hand
20 sec snatch right hand
20 sec rest
40 sec squat
20 sec rest
At the end of training: